Happy Unicorn Blend


Want to know how to make a DIY perfume with essential oils? Sylvia found this recipe in her Home Apothecary book. We like to call it a pure-fume, rather than a perfume!


10ml empty roller bottle
Fractionated Coconut Oil
6 drops of Frankincense essential oil
6 drops of Tangerine essential oil
4 drops of Rose or Geranium essential oil
4 drops of Bergamot essential oil
4 drops of Myrrh essential oil


Add the essential oils to the empty roller bottle.
Top up your roller bottle with fractionated coconut oil and insert roller ball.
Shake before use.

The Verdict

Sylvia says:

“I loved the smell! It’s just up my street and really fragrant. Sadly, the smell evaporated quite quickly and I needed to top it up regularly throughout the day. I will make it again but will add some perfumer’s alcohol to it next time. I think this would be a great project to do with children as there are no irritants or synthetic scents in it and they can choose their own oils to put in the mix”.

Top tip: Myrrh is a very viscous oil and you’ll need patience to get the drops out. Placing the bottle under your armpit or inside your bra for a few minutes will help to make it easier to get the drops out.

Rina Bailey